Buying and Selling Farmland in Argentina

InheritEstate is the number one network of certified attorneys specialized in the buying, selling, and management of rural real estate within the Argentine Republic. With more than two decades of experience, we have assisted foreign investors, agricultural and livestock companies, and individuals to acquire, sell, or rent farmland in the following provinces and cities in Argentina: Viedma, Ushuaia, Tucumán, Tierra del Fuego, Santiago del Estero, Santa Rosa, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz, San Salvador de Jujuy, San Miguel de Tucumán, San Luis, San Juan, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Salta, Río Negro, Río Gallegos, Resistencia, Rawson, Posadas, Paraná, Neuquén, Misiones, Mendoza, Mar del Plata, La Rioja, La Plata, La Pampa, Jujuy, Formosa, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Córdoba, Chubut, Chaco, Catamarca, and Buenos Aires.

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Our agribusiness team of attorneys is constantly supported by in-house and external consultants and experts in this very specific subject. They include appraisers, buyer/seller locators, land inspectors, investment planners, soil experts, realtors, certified land-tax accountants, land records finders, farm managers, land insurance experts, marketing agents, environmental consultants, brokers, public translators, notaries public, and financial advisors, among others.

Farmland in Argentina

Below are just a few examples of the services we provide in Argentina:

listing agreement, agribusiness, land appraisal, insurance policies, credit reporting agency, debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, chattels, assessment, eminent domain, equitable indemnity,

debris removal insurance policy, equity purchase, land ownership, equity purchase investor, estimate, exclusive agent,

fiduciary duty, forecast, further-approval contingency, general duty, easement, good faith deposit,

home inspection report (HIR), open listing, owner’s statement, principal disputes, projection,

public accommodation, public housing, right of rescission, transfer disclosure statement (TDS),

onsite environmental audit, applicable federal rate, limitation on foreign ownership of rural land,

appreciable asset, asset price inflation, bona fide purchaser,

buyer purchasing power, buy-to-let investment, environmental issues, capitalization rate (cap rate),

encumbrances, liens, fencing and boundary issues, commodities, land survey, competitive advantage, construction starts, creditworthiness, debt overhang, discount rate, dis-saving, diversification,

end user, energy audit, fair market value, financial accelerator, water rights, flipping, soil analysis,

leasing agreements, forbearance agreement, hit-and-run buyers, loan payments, illiquid asset,

flood insurance, mortgage loan, implicit rent, income approach, installment sale, invested capital,

investor, National Registry of Rural Lands, leveraging, homestead, farm utilities,

loan-to-value ratio (LTV), long-term rate, pipeline easements, mortgage-backed bond,

net operating income (NOI), utility expenses, notice of default (NOD), operating costs, price tier, prime offer rate,

property appreciation, put option, qualified mortgage, revenue forecasts, real estate-owned property (REO), return on investment, shareowners, syndication, and zoning.

Buying and Selling Farmland in Argentina

Our comprehensive approach consists of assigning the most suitable attorney for your specific needs. Next, we lay out the best action plan, which should include clear-cut data as regards the required documentation. For example, title deeds, permits, authorizations, land insurance policies, official records, tax-related documentation, etc.) processing times, accurate costs, realistic deadlines, and expected results.

This action plan is later reflected in periodic reports. They outline the progress achieved so far, as well as any necessary adjustments. For instance, a potential buyer may submit a counteroffer. It is an alternative response to an offer received. Usually, it consists of terms different from those of the offer rejected.

Another very important aspect is financing. Our lawyers can help you analyze the most convenient financing options (as well as the interest rates involved) currently available in the market.

In general, a real estate transaction finishes when a closing is reached (also known as settlement or completion). On a closing date, ownership is officially transferred when the buyer receives a deed from the seller.

Other services we provide include horticulture, hotbed, hothouse, husbandry, hydroponics, hydroseeding, industrial agriculture, integrated farming, intensive animal farming, irrigation,

land improvement, liming, livestock, lynchet, manure, mariculture, mast, meadow, mechanized agriculture, mill, minimum tillage, monocropping, monoculture, mulch, multigerm seed,

multiple cropping, no-till farming, nurse crop, on-the-hoof, once-grown seed, rangeland, open range,

orchard, organic farming, organic fertilizer, pannage, livestock farming, pastureland,

permaculture, permanent crop, pharming, plantation, plough pan, pollarding, polyculture, poultry, precision agriculture (PA), site-specific crop management, precision seeding, prilled,

primary tillage, priming, pruning, push-pull technology, etc.

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