InheritEstate seeks Backlink Creators to Work Remotely

InheritEstate is a unique global network of international inheritance attorneys, which has been in business since 2005. The company’s core business consists in obtaining documents from all around the world for foreign clients in international matters and providing professionals to assist in complex situations that cannot be completed by a simple runner.

InheritEstate is currently seeking to hire two (2) Backlink Creators. The two candidates must possess the following characteristics:

  1. High level of English (written and oral). This position also requires real and verifiable backlink skills.
  2. Able to create a minimum of 500 backlinks weekly. Proper guidance will be provided.
  3. Unlimited access to Internet and own a personal computer.
  4. Mobile phone with access to Internet and WhatsApp in order to be able to communicate with our entire international team.
  5. Working hours: This remote position requires 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.
  6. Must be proactive, self-disciplined, and tech-savvy.
  7. It is a Plus: Being able to prove you know how to create valid backlinks in great amounts and mastering the most common SEO rules.

These two (2) Backlink Creators will start creating and generating backlinks primarily for our platforms [Limeres .com, inherit .com, and InheritEstate .com] as well as with our other blogs in areas related to inheritances, insurance, and post-life security just to name a few topics. [Inherit .com will be online in mid-January 2023. There is nothing online now]


Backlink Creators

Feel free to visit our website at to learn more about the company. You can submit your resume directly via our contact form or you can send an email to our HR’s recruiting division [hr @ InheritEstate .com].

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If selected, you will be hired by a US Corporation located in California, USA.

Compensation will be in USD. Working hours: 8 hours a day, 5 days a week from Monday to Friday. InheritEstate pays overtime for working on weekends and holidays (not applicable for freelancers). We will also consider freelancers as an option.

Feel free to FOLLOW InheritEstate on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to watch for further job openings.

Thank you,

The InheritEstate Team

#Content #Writer #English #Bilingual #Native #Backlink #Creators

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